Carbon Majors Emissions Data

Data Visualization

May 21, 2024

Historical emissions data from Carbon Majors. They have complied a database of emissions data going back to 1854. h/t Data is Plural.

Carbon Majors is a database of historical production data from 122 of the world’s largest oil, gas, coal, and cement producers. This data is used to quantify the direct operational emissions and emissions from the combustion of marketed products that can be attributed to these entities. These entities include:

75 Investor-owned Companies, 36 State-owned Companies, 11 Nation States, 82 Oil Producing Entities, 81 Gas Entities, 49 Coal Entities, 6 Cement Entities

The data spans back to 1854 and contains over 1.42 trillion tonnes of CO2e covering 72% of global fossil fuel and cement emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1751.

They share data with low, medium and high levels of granularity. This dataset is the ‘medium’ granularity that contains year, entity, entity type, commodity, commodity production, commodity unit, and total emissions.